Out now: Working Paper on Instrumentalising BWC-Related Allegations
The Working Paper analyses the impact which Russia’s unfounded bioweapons-related allegations against Ukraine and the United States may have on the norms against biological weapons. It focuses on Russia’s use of the compliance procedures of the Bi…
Out now: Workshop on S&T Developments with Relevance for the CWC and BWC
CBWNet-Working Paper No. 14 (Editors: A. Krin, G. Jeremias) contains a compilation of the participant's contributions to the workshop on scientific and technological developments relevant to the BTWC and the CWC, which took place on the 17th and 1…
Out now: CBWNet Working Paper on Chemical Terrorism Threat Perceptions and CWC Review Conference Responses
The new CBWNet Working paper by Alexander Kelle examines the evolving salience of chemical terrorism within the framework of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and the contribution of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OP…
The Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH) at the University of Hamburg is looking for a Student Employee (m/f/d) at the CBWNet project by November 1, 2024. Apply now!
Out now: CBWNet Working Paper on Biosafety and Biosecurity
Hitherto, the concepts of biosecurity and biosafety have been treated as separate frameworks with each having a different a different object and a different purpose. Recent events however have shown that biosafety and biosecurity should rather be …
CBWNet Holds a Workshop on Science and Technology Relevant for the BWC and the CWC
CBWnet member ZNF (University of Hamburg) organized an international expert workshop on current trends in science and technology relevant to the treaty regimes banning chemical and biological weapons in Hamburg on June 17 and 18.
CBWNet Contributes Panel on the Norms Prohibiting Chemical and Biological Weapons to Annual Convention of the International Studies Association
At the recent ISA Annual Convention in San Francisco, CBWNet contributed the only panel focusing on the global norms prohibiting the possession and use of chemical and biological weapons (CBW). Bringing together different perspectives on the chall…
Vacancy: Part-Time Research Associate at the CBWNet Project at the IFSH
The Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH) at the University of Hamburg is looking for a part-time (65%) research associate (m/f/d) at the CBWNet project by June 1, 2024 at the earliest and subject to the availability of funds. Th…
Out now: CBWNet Working Paper on Chemical and Biological Terrorism
Our latest publication, "Chemical and Biological Terrorism and the Norms of the CBW Prohibition Regimes," offers a synopsis of the wide-ranging presentations held at the most recent CBWNet expert workshop in Berlin. This working paper aims to broa…
New EUNPDC Paper by Alexander Ghionis and Alexander Kelle on key CWC issues for the EU
We are pleased to announce the publication of a new EUNPDC paper by CBWNet Associate Researcher Alexander Ghionis and Network Coordinator Alexander Kelle, which examines the European Union's role in reinforcing the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC…
CBWNet Hosted Workshop on Terrorism with Chemical and Biological Weapons
CBWNet network coordinator Dr. Alexander Kelle hosted an international expert workshop on challenges from and responses to CBW terrorism in Berlin on 1 and 2 February. Following a welcome address by Dr. Alexander Kelle ...
Out Now: CBWNet Working Paper on the OPCW and Civil Society
The paper by CBWNet Associate Researcher Alexander Ghionis explores key elements of the relationship between the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and civil society, with the aim of ...
Out now: CBWNet Working Paper on Great Powers and the Norms of the BW Prohibition Regime
The United States of America and the Soviet Union were instrumental in creating the biological weapons prohibition regime more than 50 years ago. This has left the regime with a big gap in its normative structure related to the verification of tre…
Out now: CBWNet Working Paper on the National Implementation of International Norms against Biological Weapons
National implementation of the norms against biological weapons is necessary to ensure effective protections. One important aspect of this is the criminalization of violations of the prohibition. This working paper looks at the current state of cr…
Erlangen Conference 2023: Una Jakob Presents the Work of the Joint Committee on the Handling of Security-Relevant Research
Una Jakob presented the work of the Joint Committee on the Handling of Security-Relevant Research, a collaboration between the German Research Foundation and the National Academy ...
Una Jakob Joins IAP's Virtual Workshop on "Possible Benefits and Risks of AI for Global Biosecurity in the BWC Context"
Una Jakob contributed as an expert to a virtual workshop on a scientific advisory body for the BWC, organized by the Interacademy Partnership (IAP) ...
CBWNet Hosted Conference on Norms against Chemical and Biological Weapons in Gießen
The Chair for Public Law and International Law at the University of Giessen hosted an interdisciplinary conference on the interconnectivity of norms against biological and chemical weapons on 23 and 24 October. Along the topical areas of “multinor…
CBWNet participates in Max-Planck-Society conference "30 Years of CWC: Histories, Achievements, Challenges"
CBWNet coordinator Alexander Kelle as well as CBWNet consultant Ralf Trapp and transfer network member Ahmet Üzümcü have contributed to the conference "30 Years of CWC: Histories, Achievements, Challenges", at the Max-Planck-Society in Berlin, 5-6…
Vacancy: Part-Time Researcher in the CBWNet Project
The Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) is seeking to employ, at the earliest possible date, a part-time (65%) researcher (m/f/d) in the CBWNet project.
Una Jakob spoke at the Annual Training Program "Disarmament and non-proliferation of WMD 2023" in The Hague
On September 20, CBWNet researcher Una Jakob gave a presentation on "Biological Weapons, Biological Threats and Biosecurity" at the Annual Training Program "Disarmament and non-proliferation of WMD 2023", organized by the Asser Institute and the O…
Kristoffer Burck presented his research at the annual conference of the European International Studies Association
CBWNet researcher Kristoffer Burck presented his research titled “Charging Full Steam Ahead? – Progression and Contestation of the Investigation Norm Through Ad-Hoc Mechanisms under the Chemical Weapons Convention” at the Annual EISA Conference in…
Una Jakob participates as a mentor in the "Young Women in Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Mentorship Programme 2023/24"
CBWNet member Una Jakob participates as a mentor in the "Young Women in Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Mentorship Programme 2023/24". The program is being managed by the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) and the Intern…
Una Jakob took part in the UNIDIR “Biorisks, Biosecurity and Biological Disarmament Conference”
CBWNet member Una Jakob took part in the “Biorisks, Biosecurity and Biological Disarmament Conference” organised by UNIDIR, UNODA and WHO on July 4-5, 2023 in Geneva. She moderated the panel on “Monitoring and Verification for the Biological Weapo…
Out now: CBWNet Working Paper on Great Powers and the Norms of the CW Prohibition Regime
Great powers play an important role in the establishment of international institutions, such as the chemical weapons prohibition regime. However, once international regimes exist, they display path dependent behavior over longer periods. This rais…
Out now: CBWNet Working Paper on the Implementation of Norms in German Law
International norms and regulations against chemical and biological weapons require implementation into the national legal framework. This working paper by Kristoffer Burck and Barry de Vries ...
The Justus-Liebig University Gieβen in collaboration with CBWNet are accepting paper proposals for a conference to take place on 23-24 October 2023 in Gieβen, Germany.
Out now: CBWNet Working Paper on Artificial intelligence
In this working paper, Anna Krin and Gunnar Jeremias provide an overview of some selected AI applications in life sciences and discuss potential misuse scenarios...
On Tuesday, June 13, the CBWNet team met with the CBWNet transfer network to discuss recent project developments and the Fifth CWC Review Conference at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt.
CBWNet Researchers at the CWC Fifth Review Conference
CBWNet researchers attended the Chemical Weapons Convention's Fifth Review Conference in the Hague, Netherlands, from 15 – 19 May 2023 as NGO representatives and supported the German delegation.
Thilo Marauhn at SWR2: "A violation is not the end of a legal norm - it depends on the reaction to it"
In an SWR2 report on chemical weapons, CBWNet member Thilo Marauhn, Professor of International Law at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen, explains the implications of chemical weapons use on the norm against such weapons.
From the verification of chemical weapons destruction to attribution of their use – Article on shifting focus of the CW prohibition regime by Alexander Kelle
In a recent article, CBWNet project coordinator Alexander Kelle analyses the shifting focus in the CWC from the verification of destruction of declared chemical weapon stockpiles to the attribution of chemical weapon use.
CBWNet organized event on Chemical Weapons Disinformation in The Hague
CBWNet team member Professor Thilo Marauhn moderated a panel on “Countering Disinformation: A shared responsibility” where panelists from government institutions, civil society and the media discussed how to address disinformation on chemical weap…
Out now: CBWNet Working Paper on Chemical and Biological Forensics
In the latest CBWNet working paper, Ralf Trapp discusses the mechanisms for investigating the use of chemical and biological weapons and the development of scientific capacity for such investigations.
Preparing for the Fifth CWC Review Conference: New UNIDIR report by Alexander Ghionis, Alexander Kelle and María Garzón Maceda
In a UNIDIR report, Alexander Ghionis, CBWNet researcher Alexander Kelle and María Garzón Maceda look into historical experiences, provide analysis of salient issues and make recommandations for preparing for the Fifth Chemical Weapons Convention …
On 17 and 18 January, CBWNet members Una Jakob, Gunnar Jeremias and Ralf Trapp participated in a SIPRI workshop that discussed safety and security risks associated with research and development in the life sciences, biomedicine and biotechnology.<…
The Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH) at the University of Hamburg is looking for a part-time (65%) junior researcher (m/f/d) in the CBWNet project by March 1, 2023 at the earliest and subject to the availability of funds. Th…
CBWNet member Oliver Meier speaks at online panel on Chemical Weapons Terrorism
CBWNet researcher Oliver Meier participated in an online conference on "Strengthening Global Norms: International Cooperation for Chemical Disarmament“ jointly organised by the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA) …
CBWNet Side Event at the 9th Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention
CBWNet researchers Sannimari Veini, Barry de Vries and Kristoffer Burck discussed their research on “The Legal Effect of the BWC Review Conferences” at side event of the 9th Review Conference in Geneva.
CBWNet Researcher at the EUNPD Consortium´s Annual Conference
CBWNet Researchers Almuntaser Albalawi, Kristoffer Burck, Gunnar Jeremias, and Sannimari Veini attended the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium's Annual Conference in Brussels.
Doctoral researcher Almuntaser Albalawi presents research at UN within #Leaders4Tomorrow initiative
CBWNet-member Almuntaser Albalawi presented his research on advancing Disarmament, Non-proliferation, and Arms Control education in the MENA region as one of the #Leaders4Tomorrow, an initiative by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs…
CBWNet member Una Jakob speaks at G7 Biosecurity Conference
On October 7, CBWNet project member Dr Una Jakob of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt discussed the importance of intersectoral cooperation in strengthening norms against biological weapons.
We welcomed the German Federal Foreign Office and the National Academy of Sciences, our implementation partners, as guests to discuss the norms against chemical and biological weapons.
CBWNet analysis on allegations of chemical weapons use in the Ukraine war
Repeatedly, in the course of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, allegations have been made by both sides that they have been victims of chemical weapons activities. The latest CBWNet analysis addresses these allegations and shows that an appropriate…
Novichok Nerve Agents and the CWC: New UNIDIR Report by CBWNet Member Alexander Kelle
In a new report, Dr Alexander Kelle describes the process that took place at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) following the assassination attempt in Salisbury in the UK with a novichok nerve agent. This process resul…
CBWNet member Una Jakob speaks at OPCW anniversary
On 20 May, CBWNet member Una Jakob of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt participated in the commemorative event on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Chemical Weapons Convention entry into force.
On 25th anniversary of OPCW, Director-General meets with German Minister of Foreign Affairs; attends launch of think tank
Director-General meets in Berlin with Foreign Minister, other high-level officials; delivers remarks at launch event for think tank to strengthen global norm against chemical and biological weapons.
25th anniversary of the Chemical Weapons Convention – Foreign Minister Baerbock and OPCW Director-General Arias pay tribute to one of the most successful disarmament treaties
Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Fernando Arias met Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock during his visit to Berlin. The Minister paid tribute to the important role played by the OPCW with respect t…
United Nations High Representative for Disarmament Affairs sends video message for CBWNet launch event
The United Nations High Representative for Disarmament Affairs sent a message of greeting at the launch of the new CBWNet competence network, thanking the new civil society initiative for hosting the event.
25th anniversary of the Chemical Weapons Convention
Launch of the new Chemical and Biological Weapons Competence Network at the Hamburg Peace Research Institute, kick-off event at the State Representation in Berlin.
Start eines neuen Verbundprojektes zu Chemie- und Biowaffen
Mit dem Verdacht auf einen Chemiewaffeneinsatz in Mariupol in der Ukraine sind Chemie- und Biowaffen erneut in den Fokus des öffentlichen Interesses gerückt.